Course: Permutation and Combination-Basics to Ad...


Permutation and Combination-Basics to Advanced | The Practical Way

Word Based Questions


Number Based Concept

Video lesson


This beginner’s course on Permutation and Combination introduces the foundational principles of counting and arranging objects in mathematics. Designed for those new to the topic, the course covers the basics of how to count the number of possible arrangements (permutations) and selections (combinations) of a set of objects under various conditions. Through engaging lessons, interactive examples, and practical exercises, students will learn to apply these concepts to solve real-world problems efficiently.

Topics covered throughout the course:

  • Basic Definitions: Understanding permutations and combinations, and the distinction between them.
  • Factorial Notation: Introduction to factorial notation and its application in counting arrangements.
  • Permutations of n Distinct Objects: Exploring arrangements when all elements are distinct.
  • Permutations of n Objects with Repetition: Handling scenarios where some elements are repeated in arrangements.
  • Circular Permutations: Analysing arrangements in circular formations and the related formulas.
  • Combinations: Studying the selection of objects without considering their order.
  • Applications in Real-world Problems: Solving practical problems involving permutation and combination in various fields.

These topics collectively equip learners with a comprehensive understanding of permutation and combination, preparing them to tackle various quantitative problems.